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As a Brazilian contemporary painter, my work revolves around the exploration and celebration of multiculturalism, with a particular focus on amplifying the voices and experiences of marginalized communities such as black, women, and LGBTQ+ minorities. Drawing inspiration from the vibrant tapestry of cultures that make up Brazil's diverse society, I seek to create art that challenges existing narratives and fosters a deeper understanding of the intersecting identities and struggles within these communities.


At the heart of my artistic practice is a profound belief in the power of art to provoke conversations, challenge biases, and foster empathy. Through my paintings, I aim to create a visual language that speaks to the complexities of the human experience, transcending societal divisions and encouraging dialogue between different perspectives.


One of the key themes in my work is the exploration of psychology, particularly as it intersects with identity formation and self-expression. I am deeply fascinated by the internal landscapes of the human mind, and I use my art as a means to delve into the depths of our thoughts, emotions, and subconscious. By depicting the inner world of individuals from marginalized communities, I aim to shed light on their resilience, struggles, and triumphs, providing a platform for their stories to be heard and acknowledged.


Afrofuturism is another significant influence in my artistic journey. It allows me to envision a future where black, women, and LGBTQ+ individuals are not only equal but celebrated for their contributions and unique perspectives. Drawing from the rich traditions of Afro-diasporic cultures and blending them with futuristic aesthetics, I create visually captivating narratives that reimagine history, challenge dominant narratives, and offer a vision of liberation and empowerment.


Through a harmonious interplay of vibrant colors, intricate symbolism, and expressive brushwork, my paintings invite viewers to engage with these narratives and contemplate the complexities of multiculturalism, identity, and social justice. I believe that art has the power to ignite change, and it is my hope that my work serves as a catalyst for dialogue, understanding, and the dismantling of societal barriers.


Ultimately, my artistic practice is a continuous exploration of the human condition, a celebration of diversity, and a call for social transformation. By placing a spotlight on the stories and experiences of black, women, and LGBTQ+ minorities within the context of multiculturalism, psychology, and Afrofuturism, I strive to contribute to a more inclusive and equitable world, one brushstroke at a time.


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